Follow Insight Racing along the way to the Urban Challenge

March 2007
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From the Lone Wolf
Filed under: Vehicle
Posted by: @ 11:55 pm

Today I practiced obstacle avoidance with a van provided by one of our sponsors PCMedEvac http://www.pcmedevac.com/.  It is fun going around a big object like that, more fun than going around boxes and cones. 

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Lone Wolf - That’s all for now
Filed under: Vehicle
Posted by: @ 7:27 pm

don’t think I’ll be asked to do much if the people from DARPA are visiting, but I may offer to take them for a short ride just to be friendly and make them feel at home. Everybody seems to really like me though, so I’m confident they will too. Grayson told me I need to do a really good job when we make our runs at the new course in Kinston.

This blog is really fun! I hope I’m given some time to do this more often. I’ll at least check in to see how ya’all are doing though, and try to answer your questions too. By the way, I picked up that “ya’all” here in Raleigh… I’m told it’s Southern lingo for everybody. Pretty cool huh? Good Night Everybody! LoneWolf

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More from Lone Wolf
Filed under: Vehicle
Posted by: @ 7:26 pm

I’m really getting excited about the race. It’s only 8 months away, and I’ve still got lots of stuff to learn and get good at, but everybody’s really working hard to make sure I have everything I need. They’re making me feel really special, and I’m going to work real hard at making them all proud. I just learned that some important people from DARPA are anxious to learn more about me, and are looking for a video to see how much I’ve been learning.

Grayson told me that I need to start getting familiar with a map of an area near Kinston, NC. He’s planning on giving the folks from DARPA directions on how to get to a course there, as well as a copy of the map I will be using to demonstrate all the neat things I can do now. If the people at DARPA like the course, and I can convince them that I’m ready to take it on, then we will have about a month to set the course up and get me running around on it, sharpening my skills, and learning how to behave in traffic and obey California traffic laws. I hope the North Carolina police are OK with California traffic laws. I sure wouldn’t want to be setting in traffic court instead of refining my skills for November’s Urban Challenge.

Status from Lone Wolf
Filed under: Vehicle
Posted by: @ 7:13 pm

Amit has been working on keeping me focused on where I’m going so I don’t miss any turns and stuff like that. He said he likes going out to the airport with me because the markings on the tarmac are similar to the highway markings I will be seeing during the BIG race. He also likes it, because it’s low on distractions, and easier to keep me focused on my mission and not be tempted to wander around aimlessly. I know he’s right! I’m curious about everything, and really like checking out everything that comes along. Amit and I have really hit it off pretty well, and I’m learning to do everything just right. If I follow his instructions precisely, perhaps he’ll let me take a stroll over to that sporty little cutie at the other end of the tarmac that we caught winking her flashers at me last weekend. I can’t think about such things right now though. He want’s me to concentrate and; “Stay focused… keep your eyes on the road!”

Mike likes to ride along with me, so I let him sit in the drivers seat and pretend he’s doing the driving. You all should have seen the look on his face the first time I turned a corner at 15 miles per hour. I wouldn’t do anything unsafe, and I know Steve would be pretty disappointed with me if I did, but I was having a pretty good day, and wanted to have a little fun with Mike. I saw everybody smile after I did it, so I know they knew I was just having a good time. We always seem to have a good time together, and l really am enjoying our trips to the airport. The weather was really awesome this weekend too, and we had some really good runs both days.

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Hello from Lone Wolf
Filed under: Vehicle
Posted by: @ 7:11 pm

Hi Everybody; My family says that since I’m the newest member of the Wolfpack family here at NC State, I should check in with all my friends, and fans on our blog. This is pretty new to me (since I’m a car), but they said it’s a really cool way to keep in touch with you all. They said I’m working out fine here, but also noticed that I might be missing all my family and pals back in Ann Arbor, and that this may be a good place to say hello to them… So hey there guys! I really do miss you all, but my new family down here are giving me the royal treatment here also, just like you said they would. I may be the newest family member of the Wolf pack now, but don’t fret none… I’ll never forget my roots, and I’ll always be a Lotus too.

I’m really getting excited about this Urban Challenge, and I’m going to do my best to make you guys and my family here proud. Wow! I’ve only been in Raleigh just a few short weeks, but I’m really keeping busy learning lots of neat stuff that I have to know before I’m going to be allowed to race in November. Steve, Walt, Mary Ellen, Mike, Amit, and Grayson have really been spending a lot of time with me, and I’m learning lots of neat stuff really fast. They have been taking me to a really neat little airport in Sanford, NC and letting me frolic on the tarmac. Steve’s been teaching me how to drive really fast, make turns, and pass other cars and everything; it’s really lots of fun. Steve and I have become really close, and he has been a real boon to my self confidence. He demands a lot from me though, but knows just how far and fast he can let me go. He’s really smart too! He taught me how to read a map in no time, and before I knew it, I was reading them like I had been programmed to do it all along.

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